Shame & Guilt
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What is the Meaning of Shame & Guilt?
The difference between the two is that shame is a more outward type of disgrace, while guilt is an internal conflict based on a behavior. Shame comes in different types. (1) Genuine shame; which is a true feeling of disgrace, dishonor or condemnation, (2) False shame; which is condemnation or self-inflicted shame (3) Toxic shame; is internalized shame or shame that is a result of trauma, most often during childhood, examples are things such as abuse, incest, molestation or being taught that certain behaviors are wrong. (4) Vicarious shame; which is feeling shame for someone else, and (5) Secret shame; where the individual is so ashamed that the shame must be kept a secret. Shame will keep you confined to your compulsive or addictive behaviors, and makes you feel that you are less than, incomplete, or not worthy. Shame also can cause low self-esteem. Guilt is very similar to this in the sense that it is an internalized struggle with one’s self based on an action or behavior, for which the individual carries a strong sense of blame for something they feel is wrong.
Shame is feeling humiliation, while guilt is taking responsibility for something, because of the humiliation. An easier way to understand this is that guilt means “I did something wrong or bad” and shame is “I am wrong or bad”. With the help of a professional one eventually moves from “I am bad” to “I did something bad, but I am not a bad person”.