Sex and Porn Addiction
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Understanding Sex and Porn Addiction
Sex addiction is best described as a progressive intimacy disorder characterized by compulsive sexual thoughts and/or behaviors. A person with compulsive or out-of- control sexual thoughts and/or behaviors will usually notice an increasing progressiveness in time and frequency spent engaging in the pursuit of, or the act of having sexual contact. Also there may be an increase in more dangerous or more peculiar types of sex acts that they normally would not have been engaged in having with others before. The same can be said with the types of porn one once watch in the beginning of their addiction and the types of porn that one may be engaged in watching now has progressed to more unusual types of fetishes, and so has the frequency of time in viewing porn as well.
Like all addictions, its negative impact on the individual and on their family members increases as the disorder progresses. Over time, the addiction usually has to intensify overtime for the addictive behaviors to achieve the same results and satisfaction.

With out of control, sexual compulsive behaviors some individuals will continue to engage in risky and often dangerous sexual acts despite facing potential health risks, financial problems, shattered relationships, or even arrest. For sex addicts the ritual becomes the priority for which they sacrifice everything. Their need for the “high” comes before their children, spouses, and friends in spite of the cost.
An addiction to pornography is very similar to the above and carries its own set of risks and consequences. Often People who are addicted to pornography find that the loss of time is one of their biggest issues and what time loss has stolen from them in their life. Time lost from relationships, time lost from friends and family, time lost from work, time lost in productivity, time lost in life. People will often spend lots of money (meant to be used on other things) in pursuit live online pornography. Others will stay up well into the early morning hours watching porn and subsequently performing poorly at that job or going into work late. And yet some we’ll even masturbate to the point of injury to there and penis. Bellow are some of the signs of porn and sex addiction
Symptoms of Sex Addiction
Do you feel preoccupied or distracted by your sexual thoughts or activity?
Have you on multiple occasions kept hidden or lied about money that you spent on having sex?
Does your significant other(s), friends, or family ever worry or complain about your sexual behavior?
Do you have trouble stopping your sexual behavior when you know it is inappropriate and/or dangerous?
Do you keep the extent or nature of your sexual activities hidden from your friends and/or partners?
Do you look forward to family events being over or for a spouse or significant other to go someplace without you so you can more easily go out to have sex or watch porn?
Have you had certain kinds of sex or had sex with certain people that later repulsed you when you thought back on it? Or watched certain types of porn that later disgusted you?
Do you believe that anonymous casual sex or watching too much porn has kept you from having more long-term intimate relationships or from reaching other personal goals?
Do you have trouble maintaining relationships once the “sexual newness” of a new partner has worn off? Or maintaining an erection or attraction with your spouse or partner?
Do your sexual encounters place you in danger of arrest, disease, or self-harm?
Has anyone ever been hurt emotionally by events related to your sexual behavior e.g. lying to partner or friends or not showing up for event/appointment due to sexual hook- ups, porn watching, etc?
When you have sex or watch porn, do you feel depressed afterwards or later regret it?
Have you made repeated promises to yourself or another person to change some form of your sexual activity only to break them later?
Have your sexual activities interfered with some aspect of your professional or personal life, e.g. caused problems at work or loss of relationship?
Have you ever had sex with someone just because you were feeling aroused and later felt ashamed or regretted it?

Getting Help With Sex and Porn Addiction Through Effective Counseling
Sexual addiction / compulsive sexual behaviors has a very high success rate in recovering and repairing damaged relationships allowing you to start living your best life ever. Get started in healing and repairing your life and relationships.
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